Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I was going to do a weekend post today, but I e-mailed the family instead. Mom noticed that my leg was bandaged in a picture, so I downplayed it a lot. One of the girl's parents came to visit and her dad is a GP in England, so he looked at my leg and said it was fine. I also asked them if they would worry if they were at home and heard I fell in a sewer. It was his idea to call it "a little fall" and tell them about it later.

There were no leeches this weekend (ok, one but that was random) so no more horror stories about that. We play mafia a lot because we have ridiculously long bus rides. The result of that is that nobody trusts each other, even outside of the game. At the national park there were peacocks sitting up in trees and I said, "Look! A peacock is in the tree!" None of the girls would believe me. Gareth looked and agreed that there indeed was a peacock in the tree, but that probably made it worse. It took us forever to convince them to look. Also, the whole country is half the size of Wisconsin, and we only travel in the lower half. But there still manages to be 7 hour bus rides. Are you kidding me? They have no highways here and the busses go about 50 km/h on the main roads (30mph) and on the bad, back, winding roads, maybe 20 or 30 km/h. It's awful. We just drink a lot on the bus trips to make the time go faster. I'll tell about the weekend later. I'm teaching two of the guys here how to do backflips today at the beach. I may have stories about that as well.

This joke works better when spoken:

How do you kill a circus?

Go for the juggler.


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