Tuesday, October 9, 2007


If you didn't read the update before this one, read it, it's kinda important.

This is a quick update with some random quotes and happenings.

"Usually Americans are very tall. You look like you could be Asian." The doctor I work with my first day.

There are stray dogs everywhere and two of them cornered a smaller one in the corner of the restaurant we were at. There was a lot of growling and barking. What I wanted to say was, "That sounds like bad news for the little dog." but since I was surrounded by English people, I had to ask if anyone would understand a Michael Vick joke. No one had ever heard of him.

Since I hang out with British people a lot, I'm starting to use British colloquialisms like and pronounciations. Feel free to make fun of me when I return.

"Chicago is a city full of mad people and thieves. It is very notorious." One of the doctors at work. I didn't know it was still the 1920's in Sri Lanka.

If I can get it to work, I'll post some pictures. I redressed my wound, so I'm not worried about losing my leg anymore.



Kurt said...

These computers have ridiculously slow internet access, so uploading pictures is taking forever. I'll put some on here later, but there are some on facebook, if they load.

Kurt said...

Pictures are not downloading quickly enough. I'll find a faster connection one of these days.

Craig said...

I'll e-mail my friend Meagan and get some British lingo you can surprise your friends with. I'm sorry about the height comment. Like Sri Lankans are so tall themselves. You should have told him you're not good enough at math to be Chinese, but he probably wouldn't get that joke either. I forget how humor usually doesn't transfer between cultures. Are you still able to make jokes, or do people just laugh at you because you're an evil American? Also, are you still getting your feet wet (no pun intended) or have you started doing actual medical procedures? Lastly, can you post the facebook site? I can't wait to see your leg.

Lisa-sis said...

Kurt - if it'll work, you could attach some to an e-mail to me and I'll upload them to a photobucket for you. Facebook takes forever to upload no matter what connection you're on. Photobucket should be faster, but it might not be fast enough.

Craig - http://wisc.facebook.com/profile.php?id=8608812

That's Kurt's facebook page, but I think you have to be a member of facebook to see it.

I'll as some of my English friends for some things you could say. Just talk about futbol and how much it sucks. That should spark a conversation. Or discuss how Australia rules....

Lori said...

Hey, It sound like you are having a real adventure over there. Your stories are quite funny. Hope your leg feels better!!!