Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thoughts and Musings

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. But I did see two dogs having sex on the beach today. That's gotta be worth something.

So there's this dog that lives behind our house that barks all day and all night. And it's a yippy bark, so it's just awful to listen to. There are many nights and mornings at 6am that I can't sleep because he won't shut up that I lie there hoping I'll hear a gunshot and then silence. Really, every time I hear a dog yelp or a car screech to a halt I hope that dog is dying. A month and a half of listening to this thing drives me to think like that. If you ever need to get information out of me, just put me in a room with a yippy dog that won't shut up.

Dustin, I found the perfect gift for you, but I didn't buy it at the time and now I can't find another one. I walked on the beach today looking for the lady selling it and waited for an hour. Don't worry though, I told the German guy that if he ever saw that lady again, he has to buy your gift. You'll probably have it next week. You know how efficient those Germans are.

I worked with a bunch of med students this past week that were really fun. They all wanted me to come on rounds with them and I seemed like a prize when I was hanging out with them at the hospital. One of them was joking that he could get me one of the girls if I wanted. I don't think he knows the word "pimp" so I didn't make a joke about it. There's also a Muslim student and they made a bunch of jokes about him and Al-Queda. I thought that was a bit insensitive.

In Orthopedics I went on rounds with the med students and the consultant (head of the department). It was pretty fun, especially when the consultant (who has two lazy eyes) started asking me a bunch of questions. Usually he would just hand a random student an X-ray and then ask them to describe it. He took an interest in me, so I answered quite a few questions for him. Somewhere in my description of the educational system of America to the med students, I failed to explain adequately that I've studied for 4 years, but NOT medicine. This got passed on to the consultant who thought I was a 4 year med students like the rest of the people I was with. I still managed to answer the questions as well as the other students though, which I'll take as a victory.

On Friday night I passed out at 11pm. I had drank over 2 liters of beer and over a half liter of arrack, in my defense. Saturday night we tried to go to a club, but there was no party that night, so Stefan and I got lost going back to our hotel. We were trying to find the ocean, but we ran into dense jungle and a wall. 20 minutes later we decided to return to where we left and then just follow the ocean from there.

Last time I checked, the Hawks were over .500. I'm scared to check again.

I leave here in 10 days. It seems kinda weird that I'll be going home. It seems even weirder that I'll have a 35 hour day on December 27th. They really need to make use of Jack changing time zones to get more time.

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